by Southern Dad » Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:19 pm
The truth is that we use the death penalty very sparingly. I know you liberals think that convicted murderers should get to live out their days with free room and board, cable television, air conditioning, some yard time, telephone privileges, etc. but I disagree. I think in the extremely rare cases where the death penalty is the sentence, the convicted gets a trial, appeals, commutation hearings... There is literally a greater chance that a person sentenced to the death penalty will die of something else other than lethal injection. Of all the murders that happen in the United States a tiny, tiny portion are actually executed.
People talk about how many people have been freed after serving years on death row... So what? Death row is just another part of the prison if they don't execute them. Does it matter to the person wrongly convicted who serves 10 years on a life sentence?