by Philly » Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:01 pm
Sort of, Indy, but I think there's a more interesting element to this rancid Trump concoction.
They're angry, and stupid, and racist, but they were all those things 4 years ago when Romney beat all the lunatics of the 2012 primary and got nominated. I think that when Romney lost, despite being considered the most electable Republican candidate in the primary, it broke their brains. Because in their minds, Obama is the most unpopular president ever. They know it for sure, and they can't even entertain the possibility that he's not. So if the "responsible" people in the GOP, and the strategists on television, and the political insiders all claimed Romney was their best chance how did he lose to the most unpopular president ever?
It's not possible that Obama was just a stronger candidate than anything the GOP had to offer. All these insiders are clueless, or worse, they're in on the scam. Obama is out to destroy America, but the Republican Party can't be trusted either. They're all a bunch of empty suits who keep promising to stop Obama and get rid of Obamacare but Obama is still here and I still haven't gotten a payraise! Can't someone just make things good like they used to be?!
That was the final piece needed for Trump to be viable: complete loss of faith in the Republican establishment that had planted all these delusional ideas in their heads to begin with. Trump channels their hatred of Obama and Democrats, as did the rest of the primary field, but unlike his primary opponents, he equally channeled an absolute contempt for the GOP establishment that has failed to deliver on any of their promises for the past 3 elections. Obamacare isn't repealed, the immigrants aren't kicked out, abortion is still legal and FFS gays are even getting married now. They just can't accept that the majority of the country doesn't actually hate Obama like they do, so they blame the GOP for "letting him get away with it".
And out of all this cognitive dissonance comes a guy who uneducated, uncultured, low-achieving Americans have associated with success and prestige for decades: Donald Trump. All the cattle herders of the past can trash him, but the plebs aren't listening anymore. They don't even trust FOX News now. They only trust Trump. Anyone standing in Trump's way is a liar and a loser.
Trump isn't a media fabrication and he's not just the next logical step in the right wing politics of hate - that would be Cruz. Trump's the manifestation of the American public's complete disillusionment with all institutions. If DC is full of crooks and the banks are run by swindlers and the priest rapes kids and the schools are teaching lies and the media is biased and pro-athletes are cheaters, who do the masses turn to? One hell of a populist con man, that's who.
go ahead. keep screaming "Shut The f**k Up " at me. it only makes my opinions Worse