Can corporations go to jail? Can corporations require medical care? Can corporations be sickened or killed by polluted air, water or land? Can corporations be physically injured? Can corporations experience love?
You can pull out all the texts and technical games you want but you're never going to sell anybody on this bogus definition.
Here's what's funny:
-If I rob a corporation, I can be arrested and go to jail--if a corporation robs me, it can't be arrested and as we've seen, nobody goes to jail
-A corporation that commits fraud or ruins the lives of millions of actual people can reach a financial "settlement" with "no admission of wrongdoing"--we're both allegedly people, yet I would never have that option
-Corporations have spent billions trying to defeat overhauling our healthcare system--a system they would never need. Yet we're both allegedly "people."
-Corporations have spent billions to insure they can pollute our air, water and land as they wish--a corporation can never be physically harmed by pollution, yet we can
-Because money is now perversely considered "free speech," a corporation has infinitely more free speech than any individual in this country--yet we are both allegedly "people"
You know what amuses me most? All the people who play absolute apologist for corporations and fetishize them--are the same people who scream bloody murder about big gov't. They want gov't out of their lives and their guns and their religious-backed discrimination... yet lay down like lambs when it's corporations taking over their country.
They're literally just substituting one form of tyranny for another. Somehow convinced that this is the glorious "free market" and capitalism and gee wont' Utopia be upon us once everything is privately owned/controlled.