have you ever been to f**k harrison Arkansas? lol there is about as much chance as Idi Amin becoming a member of the peace corps as there is this ad not having a racial undertone.
My point being, it's just something else that as a minority you have to deal with. And you can't tell me what I can and cannot be offended by. As a minority, how would you feel if you had a house..1-2 blocks from this sign?
Look, this is what I'm trying to say. Do I think there are some ignorant white people out there? Of course. But I also think there are some very intelligent white people out there, like the vast majority of you here on this forum . I do not look at a person or think of an entire race of people and automatically assoicate with them with ignorance, stupidity and violence, like a great deal of white people do with black people. This, is in fact, something you can't understand.
As a black guy I know there are different types of white people. There are conservative traditional white people. There are liberal white people. There are artsy white people. There are emo white people. There are skin head white people. There are redneck white people. There are wall street business white people. There are frat boy waspy white people. There are white trailer trash white people. There are music head white people, there are articulate intellectual white people, all white people aren't alike.
But, when you flip the script, there are no classes of black people. It's just black people and white people do not understand how this pisses black people off. You, can be viewed differently by simply going to the store and throwing on some nice clothes and talking like a grown up. I can wear a tom ford suit and pull up in a benz and to the vast majority of white people, I'm still a ethnic group member. A well dressed ethnic group member, but a ethnic group member nevertheless. I probably still like watermelon, I probably got the car by selling drugs and I secretly want to rape every white woman I see.
As a black guy, i'm sick and tired of running from myself. I'm sick and tired of walking in starbucks and the server looks at me amazed when I tell her I want a venti iced caramel macchiato like I'm not supposed to know what that is or something lol. I'm tired of going to places and getting shitty service because they know before hand I'm not going to tip regardless of how I present myself. I'm tired of white people telling you to stick to your own kind, and your own kind telling you that you are too white for them becuase you can read and f**k write and you don't wear blue jeans and air force one's to work.
IMHO there are 2 types of racism. There is social racism and there is what I call society racism. The latter is when the nation as a whole has agreed that it's not right, at least not politically correct to deny black people or any other people rights, jobs, housing. I have no problem getting work, I've never to my knowledge not gotten a project from a client because I'm black, in fact last week a client told me point blank he gave my company a project because I'm a minority. That didn't sit well with me but I like money so whatever lol.
Then there is social racism, meaning, that yeah if i have a white daughter, I'm still going to pray to good she doesn't bring a black guy home, and I'm going to pray to god the black family doesn't move in next to me, or I'm going to crack black jokes about minorities when they aren't around, Or I would invite my black friend to my party but he's gonna be the only black guy there and I don't know how he would fit in, etc. WE're no where near past that.