Anyone suggesting that a ban does anything is ignoring all of human history.
What worked on smoking is teaching everyone that smoking kills you and the huge amount of products out there that help people quit now. I didn't quit because of social pressure. Honestly, one of the things I miss most is the social aspect. Price had an impact, but was never the deciding factor. Health was the thing that pushed me to quit and modern drugs are what gave me the edge to get through it.
And honestly, if there were less reason to live (a situation that many sadly find themselves in) I wouldn't have quit. And there would be nothing wrong with that. Just as there would be nothing wrong with me eating myself to six hundred pounds or taking up BASE jumping. Life and enjoying it is a personal thing. Ban enjoyment and people will find a way around it or just flat ignore you.
And the result? A lot of hatred and anger. Even being a non-smoker now, I hate the smoke nazis. I hate them with a passion. If you approach me with a rabid anti-smoking agenda and another that ends starvation, I'll hate you anyway. Because the desire to control others is the seed of evil. Anything else you want to do is forever tainted by that seed of evil.