by Indy » Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:02 pm
I will say what I said last time: Huntsman.
He doesn't have a chance in hell, and the fact that he doesn't exemplifies everything that's wrong with our system.
Not only has he been a governor (ding!), he's been ambassador to China (ding!) and speaks Mandarin. (ding ding ding). In other words, he's educated and knows a world outside of the United States.
He's not perfect: some of his tax ideas are a little too plutocratic and his stance on gay marriage is sort of hedging (although for a Utah governor I guess that's progress). Then again, why would we elect a president on social issues anyway? Those are more than tired.
Why he's doomed (and was doomed last time around):
-He's educated and well-spoken--we want our GOP candidates wearin' flannel and shootin' guns while talkin' that Bible talk
-He's not a climate change denier so that would kill him right there
-His ideology doesn't seem to be solely based on opposing the other party, he actually wants to goverrn and has governed
-He's not a tea partier, which probably was the biggest factor in him being first to be ejected from the primaries last time around
So for the GOP that leaves... I don't know. You just won't make it these days unless you appeal to the FOX audience and tea party fanatics so who should run will always collide with--yeah, they can run but they'll never make it.
Prof also raises a good point and this is true across all elected offices: we're so accepting of dirty/negative campaigns in this country that what decent person would want to run for office knowing that "oppo research" squads will be deployed against them to try and destroy their reputation should they run?