Doh !!!!!!
A woman claimed on social media Tuesday that she had heard about an alleged sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh, now a Supreme Court nominee, when they were teens in the 1980s. She has deleted her posts, but Cristina King Miranda confirmed to NPR that she remembered hearing “buzz” in high school about an unusually serious incident at a party.
Early on Tuesday, Miranda said on Twitter she heard about the incident shortly after it happened. “Christine Blasey Ford was a year or so behind me, I remember her,” Miranda said in a tweet that can still be viewed via the Google cache.
Blasey told the Post that she hadn’t told anyone about the incident,
Miranda deleted her tweet, as well as a lengthier version on Facebook under the name Cristina King, in which she wrote “many of us heard about it in school.” She also said in that post that she had had a crush on Judge.
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