Of course 1% is a big deal. This is also in the context of years of 7% growth....then falling to 4%....now they are technically in a recession.
Also the massive capital outflows and cancelled transactions suggest the outside world is increasingly leery of Russia's economic prospects. Self fulfilling prophecy for a country as reliant on FDI as Russia.
Russia's credit rating was recently lowered.
April saw a huge drop off in orders from abroad, exacerbating foreign currency deficits.
Inflation remains a problem and Russia's central bank is worried, hiking up interests rates in the last few months. Near-full employment, high inflation and increased interest rates? What could go wrong!?!? Lol.
And all of this reminds investors of what they already knew in the back of their heads -Russia is a shit place to do business. Corrupt, unstable and with an increasingly unhinged and unpredictable autocratic ruler calling every shot. There's a reason Russia has basically no small or medium sized businesses. It's just a shit business environment and Putin is taking it backward instead of forward. Instead of privatizing and engaging in structural economic reforms he toys with his oil surplus as stop gaps.
And after this nonsense nobody is going to ramp up investment there in a big way.
Sorry man. Russia is in a deeply precarious economic position.