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Limbaugh: If We Can Just Get More Democrats Killed • Page 15 • General Discussion • Political Crossfire Forums

Limbaugh: If We Can Just Get More Democrats Killed

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Re: Limbaugh: If We Can Just Get More Democrats Killed

Postby Indy » Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:23 am

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Re: Limbaugh: If We Can Just Get More Democrats Killed

Postby Margo » Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:25 am

Jeez Indy, no need to have a conniption fit here....calm down. Sheeeeesh!
I have faith that you are capable of looking up the definition of satire and apply it rush's show. Here.....I'll give you a hint just to make things fair....he satirizes liberals, the far left members of the democratic party and progressives.
Believe me, I get it that this sort of thing sends those who are on the receiving end, into a tail spin.

Chump you say? So now you are clairvoyant too? My my....what's it like to sit on a throne and pass judgement on those who dare to believe in something other than the progressive mindset?
Face it, you're on the verge of a meltdown because I disagree with you. God forbid someone disagrees with your perception of the truth....stomp your feet,throw yourself to the ground, kick and scream all you want....I disagree with you.
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Re: Limbaugh: If We Can Just Get More Democrats Killed

Postby Margo » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:10 am

Hi Sandman,
I understand perfectly that media matters took rush's transcript from rush's website. What I also understand is what George Soros is all about. He has a agenda as all powerful men have. If you doubt for one minute that his agenda involves tearing down in anyway possible, people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, then you have blinders on. Media Matters is devoted to stuff like this. Media matters caters to left leaning people where the insinuation is already built in, all they have to do is publish Rush's name and the readers take off running with it...because they want to believe it. Media matters just feeds a certain appetite. And yes, this happens on both sides.
Don't you guys get it it yet? It's a game to these men, a very powerful one with lots to lose /gain and the name for this particular game is influence. I just happen to fall on the conservative side, that's why Media Matters is irrelevant to me. You guys fall on the other side. What that may be for each of you, I haven't a clue, not sure you do either. Right now it seems to me you're simply regurgitating talking points dictated by others.
You want to call rush a racist, be my guest, knock yourselves out.
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Re: Limbaugh: If We Can Just Get More Democrats Killed

Postby Margo » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:12 am

"The only thing that annoys me more than all the ultra-liberal excuse-making is people claiming that they're "conservatives" because they listen to Rush Limbaugh."

You know nothing about me so please don't make assumptions.
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Re: Limbaugh: If We Can Just Get More Democrats Killed

Postby The Comrade » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:14 am

yet you felt the need to make an assertion about sandman that he's a leftist which is wrong.
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Re: Limbaugh: If We Can Just Get More Democrats Killed

Postby Margo » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:14 am

I would like to ask Indy, sandman and Enoch where you guys stand politically....not party affiliation but what ideology you believe in.
I believe in conservatism.
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Re: Limbaugh: If We Can Just Get More Democrats Killed

Postby Margo » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:15 am

That is why I just asked the question....join in if you would like.
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Re: Limbaugh: If We Can Just Get More Democrats Killed

Postby Margo » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:16 am

Let's get it out on the table gentlemen.
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Re: Limbaugh: If We Can Just Get More Democrats Killed

Postby Enoch » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:37 am

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Re: Limbaugh: If We Can Just Get More Democrats Killed

Postby Enoch » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:45 am

Last edited by Enoch on Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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