Jeez Indy, no need to have a conniption fit here....calm down. Sheeeeesh!
I have faith that you are capable of looking up the definition of satire and apply it rush's show. Here.....I'll give you a hint just to make things fair....he satirizes liberals, the far left members of the democratic party and progressives.
Believe me, I get it that this sort of thing sends those who are on the receiving end, into a tail spin.
Chump you say? So now you are clairvoyant too? My my....what's it like to sit on a throne and pass judgement on those who dare to believe in something other than the progressive mindset?
Face it, you're on the verge of a meltdown because I disagree with you. God forbid someone disagrees with your perception of the truth....stomp your feet,throw yourself to the ground, kick and scream all you want....I disagree with you.