Is this still a website about politics?

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Re: Is this still a website about politics?

Postby Dylan » Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:46 pm

He won't resign.

Is this proof he knew bridges were closed or that he knew they were closed for spiteful reasons? The former is NBD. the latter is obviously problematic.
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Re: Is this still a website about politics?

Postby Mr.Bill » Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:03 pm

If he didn't have that press conference even if he ordered the closing that wouldn't have been the dagger..It would have hurt, but it wouldn't have been a killer.. What's going to destroy him is that press conference where he swore up and down he didn't know.. If he did know, he's done..

Nixon knew nothing about the Watergate break-in.. But it was his lies later on and the cover-up that sunk him..
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