indy unless yo ucan prove everyone in GM corp was colluding then you're going to not be able to send anyone to jail for it. JAIL JAIL JAIL that's what's needed MORE JAIL FOR MORE PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY.
more likely a few people would be charged because a few people hid information or whatever. if it was found that the board of directors did it then they should be charged. if it turned into corporate policy then you charge the corporation, as well as individuals who had a hand in it.
as this article notes, when actually looking at how jurys judge corporations and individuals, while they should be viewed as equal, jurys judge corporations more harshly and hold them to a higher standard. this is probably because a corporate entity is made up of groups of individuals which, in theory, should perform better ... defendant/sure, it's probably going to financial hit to the company. what is the purpose of charging them? making sure they feel bad about what they did or financial restitution for the harm caused? it can end up leading to bankruptcy for the company. okay it's not going to go sit in jail, so what? why is jail the only punishment you think is viable? not only are other punishments viable, they are better. you're not going to have a corporation take on a corporeal form and go murder someone. you're going to have maybe some issue like, firestone tires have a tendency to blow and if your tires blow at high speeds if you're in a suv it has a tendency to roll. was this malice to cause people's deaths? no. ford and firestone paid out millions and millions to try to fix these issues that caused accidents. but you think they should be in jail. what does that do to help anybody.
if it was your way the people that made those cars and tires, the workers, would be in jail. JUSTICE SERVED.
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.