by Indy » Thu May 01, 2014 8:57 am
So now that's three times. You and the other mean girls simply keep coming up with questions and demanding that I answer them, and then it's on to the next one.
I have a call now, but yes, I will answer this one when I get back, but that will be the end of me listening to your whiny demands that I "answer the question!" when you've done no such thing in return.
Anyway, while I'm gone, continue with your whining and gossip as you Snapchat each other. OMG like ur shoes are SO cute!
EDIT: and I actually have a few so let's do this. So, the premise here apparently is that all the PC evils in the world is because of librulz and it's because of them they we can't have free speech and this is why we hate librulz and you can't trust librulz because they're going to force you to not like have yer freedom of speech cuz that's what librulz do and thank God Republicans don't do things like that. You have to admit that, librul Indy, or else u iz an intellectual coward!
Here's what I'll admit:
-I guess you've never heard of "patriotic correctness." Oh, you remember that, don't you? That was when our esteemed president--a Republican, as God wants it--led us into a disastrous war in Iraq using 9/11 as bait. And I DISTINCTLY remember all those freedom of speech-loving Republicans and their attack dogs smearing anybody who DARED question the war, the execution of the war, or the atrocities we were committing there as "anti American," "troop haters," "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" and worst of all "not patriots." Because yer either with us, or against us and if you ain't with us then yer with Al Kayeeda.
-I remember outrage pimps like Limbaugh, Hannity and the Republican-owned channel FOX literally seething over war protesters, labeling them America-haters and anti-patriotic and dirty hippies who want America to fail. Funny, they also said pretty much the same thing about OWS--those f***kers! Clearly they were anti-capitalists! So don't you dare question wars run by President Cheney (a Republican) or a financial meltdown caused by Wall St. capitalists because you're anti-American or anti-capitalist or worse, both!
-Flash forward a few years when the "tea party" rallies appeared and FOX would cover them and PROMOTE them and hosts like Hannity would get all dewy-eyed on-air, talking about how freedom of speech, ain't it great? And especially the right to protest...
-I'll keep this in mind to when right wing Bible-throwers are trying to cram religion into every orifice of this nation, from public buildings to school to medicine to even the theory of evolution. If I don't go along with this, I'm anti-Christianity, declaring "war" on them and since of course Amurka is a Christian nation, there it is again--I'm anti-American (and anti-Jesus)
-I'll keep this in mind if I suggest to Republicans that we have literally ANY change to gun laws because now I'm a Second Amendment hater which of course makes me--you guessed it--anti-American. I know now after what happened to that gun magazine writer that anything outside of "Guns for everyone! Everywhere!" will get me fired. That message was loud and clear. Rather than even listen to what that man said, we're going to simply silence him.
-I'll keep that in mind that when FOX & Friends, as we learned this week, has on a scientist but he is explicitly told not to talk about climate change when the topic is: biggest scientific issues facing us. Yay, freedom of speech! Then, when he revealed his after his appearance, FOX & Friends attacked him on-air. So this is the freedom that Republicans bring us, huh?
-Back to the religion thing: tell me, which party is famous for revising history and science books, wanting to remove anything that doesn't jive with their pro-Party revisionist history or their Bible-throwing idiocy about creationism? Censoring facts that don't fit your made-up story? Smells like freedom of speech!
-I'll keep that in mind when I hear stories of how Christianity is being forced on Air Force cadets and those who resist are shunned. Tell me, is it "liberals" doing that?
-Speaking of religion, I'll keep that in mind when we hear about how Amurka is a proudly religious nation--unless you're a Mosslem. Then you best shut your f***ing mouth about your dirty religion, terrorist, and forget building that mosque because after what You People did you should GTFO of this country.
I could go on all day with this.
So your claim that one party has monopolized the whole PC--political correctness, patriotic correctness... they're the same thing--is laughably idiotic. Anybody who buys into "itz all the librulz fault" is a tard-bot.
Last edited by
Indy on Thu May 01, 2014 9:25 am, edited 3 times in total.