by The Dharma Bum » Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:04 am
Earlier I made this comment:
"Only a person with a racist mentality of some degree would see it any other way, that's what you guys are failing to to self-observe here. It looks strange to people who do not make race based judgments in such a manner.
So yes, The Comrade made a very insightful observation earlier."
So yeah, there is the dumb ass loudmouth confederate flag south will rise again type of racist, but they are a dwindling minority. Going extinct, so to speak. The more virulent type of racism is the everyday "I'm not a racist, some of my best friends are black" type of institutionalized, cultural racism that people sometimes don't realize is in the subtle undertone of some of the comments they make or actions they take.
The dumb redneck is not the guy not hiring you or renting to you because you are black. It's the "Im not racist, some of my best friends are black" yuppie type of racists who do that. Because they are the class of managers, or landlords. Don't say that kind of racism doesn't exist. I think it's going away but it's still quite common. You run into a lot when you are a 50 year old white real estate agent in Texas who some redneck thinks they can buddy buddy around with about keeping only white tenants or whatever.
However, wrong person, I take that shit quite seriously. I can assure you.