by Indy » Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:29 am
FWIW I just had an old friend post online about signing up via the ACA website. No problems, he got what we wanted, he now has coverage and it's cheaper than what he was paying before.
As for DWBH's latest crackpot conspiracy theory, obviously THE LIBS got to Justice Roberts, poisoning his martini with LIBRUL JUICE causing him to enact a law of TYRANNY because that's what democRATS WANT with this law, they want to make the U.S. an absolute HELLHOLE like Massachusetts and this is why they're using... an idea created by Republicans to do it.
You see, that's how these vermin "got to" the GOP--back then, they proposed single payers and the GOP was like f**knowut? and the libs were all like "Well here, use this individual mandate idea!" which was really just a trojan horse for SOZIALYISM but they knew back in the 90s that all the had to do was lay their trap and in 2008 a black Kenyan would come along to unleash their communist takeover plot. See, this plan started way back in the 60s when the fake birth certificate was created after Nobama was snuck in here from Kenya.
Roberts was allegedly a conservative so clearly Hillary put out the order to squirt librul juice in his drink, just like she gave the order to stand down in Benghazi so she could watch Americans die on live CCTV while reading socialist pamphlets and live-chatting with George Soros who supplied her with the librul juice, as they plotted their next step: to employ Sharia law in America.