by Sazari » Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:24 pm
Rich isn't unlimited disposable income, but to me it is a significantly different lifestyle. By that I mean the differences between the upper middle class (what i would consider 250k household) and middle class, aren't very substantive. Your parents still go to work every day. You go to a public school, or a cheap private one that isn't any better quality than the decent publics. You have a house, some bigger some smaller, but no one is living in a mansion or a slum. You have cars, maybe you have a used civil while the 250k person has a BMW, but you still drive yourselves to work and deal with traffic and bullshit. You still worry about retirement, and what if you lose your job, and if your kids will get into and then afford where they want to go. Yea my car is imported and has seat warmers, but I'm still stuck in traffic next to the janitor. In terms of college, 250k is that wonderful sweet spot where if you have 2 or 3 kids you cant afford to pay for them, but you are also clearly to wealthy to receive any aid. The basic standard of living really isn't demonstrably different, it just is the same thing with a slightly fancier facade to it. The way I look at it, rich, poor, middle class, is that one group has it made, one group is f**k, and those of us in the middle just do our best to improve our lot to avoid slipping down into the poor group. Whether you make 50k, or 250k, you are still in that same position of worrying about your future, the future of your children, and busting your ass to avoid slipping into the poor group. That's not rich, materially or psychologically.
To be clear, I'm in Bill's camp. In many circumstances and many areas of the country, 250k is rich. But in many circumstances and many areas it isn't. You can't just draw a line at a fixed amount and deem anyone above it, regardless of circumstance, to be rich.