by The Dharma Bum » Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:21 am
I think you will find that if you stop robbing individuals of the product of their labor they will become highly incentivised to improve their surroundings and assist in the community.
People are incentivized to act if they think some action will improve their situation. In our society that improvement comes with things that can be bought with money so it's money we want. But it's not the money itself that is valuable, but what it represents.
What does money represent in our culture? It signifies one's place in the social hierarchy, nothing more, nothing less. We are intelligent beings but we are being hindered by adherence to primitive forms of animalistic social groupings.
We have to recognize the value and equality of every single human being on the planet to progress any further than we have. We can't stay where we are, because it's unsustainable for long, so the choices are advance or regress.
If we don't actively seek progress, regression will be forced upon us by the events of the natural world as we further pollute and deplete the planet. It's a matter of species survival.The biggest threat to our survival is our own behavior.