I mean - I did a paper back in grad school. Basically, it was about biometrics and how it would revolutionize our culture. No more keys, as your thumb or eye could unlock any door. No ID cards, as your a basic scanner linked to a database could verify your identity and pull up info on you. No credit/debit cards, cash or checks as all of your accounts could be linked to your bio signature. And, this was all in 2003, so it's only become more of a reality since then.
But, thus far I have only heard of 1 supermarket (somewhere in upper NW, Seattle or Portland) that has put in biometric scanners and allowed customers to use them to access funds and rewards programs. There may be more by now, but they are by no means widespread. Until we allow unfettered electronic access to our current monetary system, I don't see the system changing.
For instance, can I get my paycheck direct deposited into BCs? So many hurdles . . . so little time.