Cherry picking the two most talked-about issues on the table for gun control? That's not cherry-picking. Cmon.
And really, if these passed even I would probably stop paying attention to the NRA. You want to know my beef with them? This. It's one thing to oppose things like assault weapons bans but when no-brainers such as these get blocked by these guys, it's either that they're that extremist or they're financially motivated as I've outlined above.
Tying it all back together, when you have truck-sized loopholes in your gun control laws, you really don't have gun control, do you?
That's why I laugh when people say stupid shit like "Well Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country, so..." Um, well maybe the criminals just go outside the city limits to get their guns--ya THINK? Mystery so SOLVED!
They don't even have to do that because can buy one from... whoever anyway or go to a gun show and buy from a non-licensed dealer.
I personally don't know why civilians in a modern country need .50 sniper rifles, M14s or 30-round mags but I'm willing to play along if it meant closing these two stupid holes.
Not willing to play ball on anything: the NRA leadership. So I ask again: who are they really representing? What's the mystery here?