by exploited » Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:30 pm
There needs to be a distinction made between Trump and the many millions of people who supported him. Spider is having a hard time understanding why Trump was elected, and it shows. Trump was not elected for what he is or does. Deep down, everyone understands that he is a deeply flawed man. He was elected for what he is not - first, Hillary Clinton, second, an establishment politician, third, a person who minces his words.
That is it. That is why he was elected. If you actually talk to or watch videos of Trump supporters, the vast bulk of them do not believe that he can pursue or succeed at implementing the truly terrible things he has said. Sure, there are some who legitimately want to ban all Muslims, outlaw abortion, build a vast border wall, etc. These are extremists and they are the core of his support. But outside this political core are tens of millions of relatively normal people who are simply frustrated by Establishment politics, which has utterly failed them for going in thirty years.
Phosphide and fstar are very poorly trying to articulate this position, but because of their extremely poor education, they aren't able to do so without rambling on about safe spaces, funny costumes, etc. In the same way that Spider thinks of deplorables, they think that leftists support those extreme positions.
This is what partisan politics does. It eliminates nuance and makes it impossible to understand that there is a metric shit ton of common ground. It elevates individuals who have no right at all to be in positions of power... People like Clinton, who should never have been allowed to run for President after her disgusting slander of Obama in 08, and people like Trump, who if this world were just, would be unloading trucks in a warehouse.