And don't f**k around with me. I have some GREAT family friends that are in positions worse than you describe, and of course it isn't as good. But they in general hold the same values, do the same shit, know the same people as anyone else making that money. My moms friend is a single mom with 3 kids on a teachers salary. Her son still plays soccer on the same team as my brother (he has worse cleats to be fair). He daughters went to the same college as me, (they have about 5k more in loans, to be fair). She drives a worse car, and their vacations aren't as nice, and they eat out less...but otherwise they are very very similar. My mom and her bitch about the same things, they have the same worries about their kids.
Maybe if you were the kid in the accord you think the BMW is some huge difference in lifestyle, but it's not dude.