I still find it faintly preposterous that he's a Catholic.
If Muslims depopulate entire villages, repeatedly try and invade in order to force the English to turn to their religions, burn people of other faiths at the stake, try and blow up the houses of parliament, invite foreign armies into any land they own to try and invade, declare themselves unchallengeable rulers by right, try and oust the government, massacre members of other religions, conspire against the instruments of the state and randomly murder anybody who isn't them, then they may get close to equalling the behaviour of Catholics in English history.
I appreciate that in the modern world pretty much all Catholics find all such things totally abhorrent and are fair and reasonable people who would never dream of doing such things, but then they don't repeatedly say so and the Vatican has never actually apologised or condemned these past actions.................
Also England is a protestant country, so he is a follower of a religion as un-English as Islam.
I have no idea if he is a racist or a fascist but he is a bloody hypocrite.