I'm a little weirded out by the blueprint they released.
xhttps://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/02/us/ ... 0005531476
Why did they keep the affordable housing package in there? Are they hoping to use that as a bargaining chip with the Dems? I'm totally opposed to it...I think it's monumentally dumb.
And....I see no elimination of deductions on the corporate side. Is that still to come? How else do they plan on controlling the deficit here? I don't see any cost control in this...especially if you're already compromising on SALT (up to $10,000) and on the mortgage interest deduction (up to $500,000 on new homes). Upping the child tax credit by $600 (doesn't seem like much) and keeping the EITC. Are they seriously going to lower the corporate rate without eliminating corporate deductions? They allow all capital investments to be expensed at once...which does seem like front loading to me (efficacy be damned - this just seems to be pulling investment forward).
I mean...if I get a $1,500 tax break and the corporations go from paying a statutory rate of 35% to 20% and an effective rate of 12% you better believe that gap in the deficit is going to be larger than projected.
I know this has a long way to go but damn...they've been working on this for months?