by Indy » Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:56 am
Well I can add my theory to that: and that is, what by definition makes a "story" (when thinking in terms of say, drama)?
So what news has become is simply reporting the latest conflict between left vs. right because that's "entertaining." Think about it: they literally split the screen on most cable shows so you can have Left person vs. Right person (true fact: often they do this even if both people are in the same studio!).
Then they sit back and... you can't even say referee, because a referee can call fouls or enforce rules. They spectate.
Couple that with the "You must present both views no matter who's lying" mantra that the media adopted (which is anti-journalism) and here you are.
The journalists/hosts are really just hosting a gossip show. And hopefully the guests will fight, just like Real Housewives of D.C.!
What's so odd is that actually reporting on the wrongdoing of leaders would be totally watchable and as I've mentioned, on a local level, that's what they do (here at least). Governors, congresspeople--our papers go after them all, regardless of party, and often these are lead stories.
Yet nationally that vanishes. So weird.
BTW you ought to read what the foreign papers around the world are saying about this. They're not going the "They're both at fault" tu quoque route.