by uebermann » Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:24 pm
And really, it makes perfect sense if you think about the reasons why people left England in the first place. Religious persecution. You start allowing Christianity to have weight on laws and you are right back to where they were in England that drove people to leave to come to the US. Full circle or something.
The problem is non-Christians don't want to be forced into having Christian beliefs.
Honestly I'm not sure how this really fits in with Hobby Lobby or if it does at all. However I think the problem with the Hobby Lobby ruling is that it makes it ok to discriminate. I think there are going to be a slew of cases of "Christian run" corporations discriminating because of this ruling, though there could have been already anyways. I was denied a job once at a company because my answer to a question about being deeply involved in religion wasn't the answer they were looking for. I told them that I used to be but not so much any more, though I had no problems with people practicing. Can't prove that was the reason but the guy changed his tone and demeanor towards me the second I answered. I wasn't about to sue or anything for it but it sucks not being given a job I'm qualified for because I don't spend a minimum of 3 nights a week at church. It was an IT job that had absolutely nothing to do with religion other than the business owners were religious.