by Indy » Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:23 am
It is ridiculous and absurd.
The idea that pot is illegal yet alcohol not only legal but celebrated is beyond comprehension.
You cannot die from pot-smoking yet we endure thousands upon thousands of deaths every year directly or indirectly as the result of alcohol. Alcohol intoxication triggers violent tendencies in far too many people along with all the other horrible results--drunk driving, accidents, domestic violence and of course endless rapes.
You don' see this kind of crap from people who are simply high.
At this point the only conclusion I can come to is when you apply the maxim of: when something makes absolutely no sense yet continues, it's because somebody is making money off it. The question is: who?
My first guess would be the prison industry. My second would be those in law enforcement who are enjoying the blank check that catching people with pot affords them, such as asset seizure. But hell, you don't even have to have drugs for that to happen nowadays. Just some money that the officer THINKS you got from drugs.
I also love the gateway drug argument for its stupidity. So is alcohol.
I'm sure Prof on pretty much any given topic at this point somebody can produce a study that proves their claim. Not surprisingly, this one also falls into the whole "We have to protect THE CHILDREN!" bucket or could easily be placed there.