you are equalizing executing as punishment a convicted murderer with killing a baby because the mother wants it dead
you're saying that the opinion of the mother is the same as a court of law
you're saying that the deeds of the murderer are the same as the deeds of the baby in utero
you're saying that the mental capacity of someone who committed crimes should spare his life, because babies. you ahve no problem talking about this in this fashion simply because it allows you to squeal like a little girl and exclaim about someone's hypocrisy. it's the most delicious thing for people who have horrible morals to begin with to find. the reason is because they can then say "look! see! those who want to have us a shining city on a hill, there are people among them who are failures!!! hahahahhahahahahahahaha!!!! (menaically)". but in this case it's not hypocrisy, because these issues are distinct.
abortion is arbitary, while execution is not. well, thats not entirely true. there are some things that cause people to abort the unborn more than others. for example, children with diminished mental capacity are aborted at a higher rate: the thing that saves a criminal should condemn a child. so sayeth indy. perhaps if we could locate schizophrenia markers on the unborn we can elimnate him to begin with. it's f**k amazing to me that all schizophrenics aren't murderers. its like, they have... choice