by Libertarian602 » Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:01 pm
I can see the concern over the concentration of wealth, and the wage gap. I think those are legitimate concerns.
On the other hand, I do feel like I'm living the American dream. I'm living the American dream, because I'm not living like the rest of the 75% of the poor bastards that live on this earth.
I'm more likely to die from being fat, and having arteries gunked up from too many big macs, compared to poor ol' guy living over in Africa, who has to worry about dying from parasites in the sewage water he has to drink.
I worry about my kid growing up like these brain dead morons with their noses constantly in their phones, and constantly snapping pictures of themselves.
Most folks in the third world don't even name their newborns until they're sure the kids are going to live.
Turn on a news channel, and you'll see morons in Walmart fighting over bath towels. Then watch news that actually has coverage of poor folks living in shitholes, you see them fighting over a bag of rice, so they don't go hungry.
Ya, I'm perfectly fine with the American dream I got going on.
Last edited by
Libertarian602 on Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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-Lord Acton
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