by fstarcstar » Wed Jan 28, 2015 4:58 pm
I don't think the market share of their products or profit margins should be the focus of a monopoly. The issue I personally find with Apple and government was when Obama himself was consistently meeting with Tim Cook and others, and even had him sit behind Michelle Obama during a State of the Union address. Oh boy, we made like 4 Macs here in the US woo hoo! Look at Tim Cook everybody! I mean, really?
We all know our politicians have had ties with private business, it'll always be there. But if we wanted to be concerned about anything its how buddy buddy Apple is with our government officials.
I mean, the Department of Justice and the EU went after Microsoft for years because they bundled Internet Explorer with their OS. It wasn't until recently when MS was free from that nonsense. I think there are certain things we should look at Apple, Google and Microsoft in terms of their practices (theres big lists already) but going after monopoly status is a stretch. At least for now of course.