by gla22 » Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:17 pm
I registered Democrat just to vote for Bernie Sanders but in this general election I have already cast my vote by mail ballot for Trump. In the previous 2 elections I have voted democrat/ green.
I'll give you a brief rundown on what influenced my decision and why Trump is the superior candidate.
Foreign Policy: The Hillary/Necon foreign policy is one of the most destructive forces impacting our nation. The results of the past 15 years have destabilized the region, cost trillions of dollars, hundreds of thousand of lives and created a massive refugee crisis. Hillary supported these actions and the past and wants to continue with the status quo. Oh and we aren't any better strategically for it but I am sure there are a lot of special interests a lot richer for it. Donald does not seem as beholden to the MIC and is willing to work with rather than against Russia who shouldn't be our 'enemy'.
Stimulating Economic Growth: Hillary's plan is pretty much a giant stimulus package paid for by more debt. If the "stimulus" doesn't create more tax revenue than it costs based on the % tax gained based on the growth it created the plan is a failure. I do not have faith in our government to efficiently allocate resources to do this, this will just sink our nation into debt. There is a reason why markets exist, because they allocate capital effectively. Donald's plan is more reasonable and is easier to implement. By altering trade policy, taxes and other incentives we can change business behavior and climate in a way that isn't dumping money down a black hole.
Personal Character: Hillary I believe is running for personal wealth and power. She has broken the law repeatedly, she lacks real convictions and sincerity and is corrupt to the core. Hillary's scandals are far more serious. Donald is far from perfect but his main issue is that he is too candid and can be offensive. His scandals are embarrassing but not criminal or dangerous like Hillary's.