by Kane » Thu Jan 10, 2019 9:12 pm
Just my last two cents - if this does carry on for a long while we'll see some nasty knock on effects in the greater economy. I don't understand this shit where a bunch of analysts are gaming out how much it costs the economy every week (It's 0.1% gdp! No it's 0.05%!) - there's a lot the federal government does to support the economy. TSA. IRS. HUD. Loads of businesses require the government to clear/approve tons of business operations. Mergers and acquisitions? You need the SEC for that shit (SEC actually issued a statement saying it's alright to proceed without their seal/approval but who's going to do that if that puts their asses in legal jeopardy?). None of them seem to be factoring that stuff in and it's bewildering to me.
If it ends over the weekend probably not a big deal. January will look like an oddball against the the quarterly and annual data but w/e.