by John Galt » Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:56 pm
with no deductions a family making 90k under republican tax plan stands to be taxed at 10,800 per year. current rate is 16,360.50/year.
numbers are because 12% of 90k is 10,800. current tax plan is 0.25(90000-50800) + 0.15(50800-13350) + 0.1(13350), or 16,360.5
standard deduction of course is doubling, but there's already 6k relief right there
at 50k, since that's what you're talking about Kane, the numbers are current taxes, $6832, future taxes $6000 for a family making 50k, with zero deductions. with deductions...
only using standard deduction in old plan: $4927.50
only using standard deduction in new plan: $3120
that's an $1807.50 tax cut for a family making $50k, with no children. with children it's higher. do you think that someone making 50k a year would describe $1,807.50 as "marginal"? I mean that's over a third of their current taxes as far as i can tell. would you paying a third less in taxes think "huh, i got a very marginal tax cut this year"?
i feel like you should criticize it for what it is, not for what it isn't.
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