by Spider » Sat May 20, 2017 2:36 pm
Also, concerning bias: Of COURSE there is bias. The news is written by people, not machines. (Mostly. For now, anyways). The bias is a key component. It's what makes an article interesting to read. It's why particular writers develop a following...some people like their bias and its the reason they keep coming back.
The place where you find unbiased reporting is in recording where the stock market was at the open and close. Or something else that's merely numbers on a chart, and therefor not open to argument.
The truth is...we only complain of bias when it's bias we don't like. You read something that comes out of Fox News for example, and you think (because you've been trained to) "Oh. That's fair and balanced"...when if fact its wildly biased and out of sync with the entire media of the rest of the Western World. But it tells you what you want to hear. So it must not be biased. It must be fair and correct, because you agree with it.
Consider for a moment why the "fair and balanced" news reporting is the outlier. Ask yourself why the media outlets of the entire developed world all more or less overlap each the point where you can take anything from CNN or NBC or CBS and instantly cross check it with BBC or Der Spiegel or Le Monde. And why the fair and balanced stuff that is supposed to be so off by itself in the corner, the butt of the rest of the reporting world's jokes?
There is no objective bias. There are only general trends and consensus or the lack thereof.