Benghazi is a sideshow. I'm insensitive to four dead americans yadda yadda yadda but it is what it is now. It's just an attention getter to hit the Democrats/Obama on.
We should talk about Boehner and the House trying to pass the buck to the Senate in terms of budget formulation. Also an interesting abdication because it suggests that Boehner knows he can't pass a reasonable budget in the house (he can't get the votes) as well as forfeits the power of using the ceiling to get what he wants. This potentially suggests a very strong pushback from within on the use of the debt ceiling as a political tool.
Perhaps Harry Reid is using the majority vote on changing senate rules re filibuster to force McConnel's hand on Boehner? And then you've got to wonder about 2014 and how Republicans will hold up as they didn't fare too well even after all those Republican Governors gerrymandered countys to hell.