by exploited » Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:57 am
So... Ukraine is important because it transports Russian gas. Therefore if we allow Russia to control Ukraine... What exactly does this change for Europe?
Ukraine is also important because it is between Russia and Europe. Of course a Russian invasion of Europe results in nuclear war, so again, I'm not seeing the big deal.
I mean, shit, Ukraine was virtually a client state under the deposed President. I don't recall this making Russia not a shit hole, or somehow being able to bring us or Europe to our knees. And even when it did have direct control... So what? A shitty economy isn't made better by adding more shit, and Russia has had access to the Black Sea for decades already.
Other than being upset at Russia for being big old' meanies, I don't see how what they are doing is going to alter their or our situations in the slightest.