by Mo~ » Sat May 31, 2014 11:41 pm
I voted for Huntsmans as a write in. I don't let others tell me what to think. I weigh the evidence and form my own opinion.
An Election Estimation Poll is more likely to be accurate than an Opinion Poll because it is a direct question being asked and a direct answer being given. The biggest variable would be changes of heart due to recent events.
In an Opinion Poll, the variables and biases can be in both the questions being asked and the answers being given. The question, "Do you support a war with Iraq?" requires more of an essay answer than multiple choice. If Saddam Hussein really was behind 9/11, Yes. If not, No. Because they have WMDs? Better prove it first, then only if he's is threatening to use them. Because he made some lame threat against the daddy of Baby Bush??? Hell no. Because Dick Cheney has found a way to make himself mega wealthy at the expense of American lives and the country's wealth? Oh f**k NO!!!
Statistics and Polling are sciences but, they are soft sciences. Hair examination is also a science and yet, an awful lot of people are now being exonerated for crimes they were convicted of based on it by the more definitive DNA testing. I am rather cautious when it comes to those types of sciences.