There's some Libertarian views I'm totally on board with, some I think are crazy, like the complete deregulation of the financial sector, etc. But they tend to be socially liberal.
Yes, it's contradiction totally, which is why I thought "Libertarian Socialist" best described my outlook, although all labels are getting meaningless at this point even if you try and hybrid them.
For example: most people think of Ron Paul (recently) as a pretty high-profile example of a Libertarian. I think some of his ideas are spot-on, but then some are ridiculous.
Yet, the Koch brothers consider themselves Libertarians and if you read what they want when one of them was campaigning--holy sheeeeeeet--these people are crazy. Like batshit crazy. What they want is basically this country taking a cyanide capsule. So no way am I on the same side as them.
The Dems I obviously tend to roll with on social issues and populist/economic ones--although many really left Dems didn't think, for instance, Clinton was a Dem and arguably he wasn't. Well, a Dem but certainly not a traditional "liberal."
The GOP I despise not because they're conservatives but because they're not conservatives--whatever this has mutated into isn't the conservatism which had many principles which, yes, I totally agreed with. Now it's basically a front for plutocrats, oligarchs and Bible-throwers where the only ideology seems to be attacking "the left," the definition of which changes regularly. And bombing everybody. And bashing minorities. The reason I rip them so regularly is the misguided hope that one day they will snap out of it and become the party of people like Huntsman and NOW we have a real choice in America (well, two) besides: almost completely neutered and balls-out f***ing crazy.
Another example: there used to be a joke that conservatives want a huge military but don't want to send it anywhere and liberals want a small military and want to send it everywhere. That's out the window now. Because "conservatives" want a huge military and want to send it everywhere and our "liberal" president may not be using the whole military, but he's certainly sending it everywhere.
One last example: Iraq. GOP: 100% for it. Dems: um, well they voted for it even if they 180'd later. Ron Paul: against it. Traditional liberals: against it.
I was against it from the beginning. So which one am I?