Why the f**k would a government concerned with setting policy for millions of people concern themselves with your particular probabilities, snowflake? People don't walk around with signs taped to their shirts saying "Suffers from murderous rage" or "Poor impulse control" or "Makes reckless decisions." Either a problem is big enough to warrant a response, or it's not. And the fact that 3500 people died from unintentional shootings between 2005-2010 is kind of a big deal.
I might also add that the entire point of a sports car is to drive fast. If we limited all engine speeds to 100 km/h max, we could cut down thousands upon thousands of accidents every year. Pointing out that going faster than that is what really increases risk isn't an argument against implementing reasonable regulations to address that problem. Just like you being a special snowflake isn't an argument against safe storage laws. Because not everyone is as special as you, and more importantly, the victims are not always the one responsible for the accident.