by Philly » Thu Apr 03, 2014 10:27 pm
The nice thing about government (this is going to sound weird) is that it's already this massive collection of bureaucracies and departments and agencies whose budget is accounted for, so when money gets appropriate for something, Department X or Agency Y is responsible for administering it and its either done well or not. But, for example, when the New York State's new budget gave the city an opportunity to use funds as rental subsidies for people currently living in homeless shelters, we already have the NYC Department of Homeless Services to administer this subsidy program. If instead people just gave money to a non-profit with the goal of helping pay rent for people trying to get out of homeless shelters, youd have office rent, employee salaries, etc eating away at every donation to help the homeless and instead going to operating costs. The government behemoth is already here, for better or worse, so let them administer these things as they already have the infrastructure in place.
go ahead. keep screaming "Shut The f**k Up " at me. it only makes my opinions Worse