I wouldn't even have a problem if a woman was more successful than I was. the thing is though, she would. That's the rub. I can't speak for everyone else nor am I going to try to, but I don't want to date me. I'm a workaholic. I don't want to marry a career oriented woman. I want to marry a family oriented woman. I am not saying there is anything coherently wrong with career oriented woman, I'm the son of one. If that's what they want to do, more power to you, it opens more doors and gives you more financial freedom. however I am saying, this is not a woman that I am particularly keen on marrying and not buecase they are mean, or have issues or never want to have sex or i don't think they would make good mothers, it's just not what i want/value out of woman. I can't get ay clearer than that. I also am willing to wager that a lot of guys think exactly like I do who can.
And what would happen if a woman married a guy who she made 2x more than. Would she be content with him being a stay at home dad or her being the main breadwinner? do you think she would leave at the first sign of her being able to trade up so to speak to someone more "on her level".
women have been, are, and always will be attracted to men who have power and men who can provide. 'The rub is, men aren't attracted to women who have power and who can provide. No one is saying that a woman can't be whoever she wants to be. I'm just saying, this for the most part is not the determining factor of my attraction to a woman, and in a lot of times, beucase she can't be trhe woman i want her to because of her career, or the fact that every date feels like a job interview for marriage beucase she is now 29 and has to " do something soon" it's a deterrent.