by dontworrybehappy » Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:57 am
It's hilarious how liberals, no matter how bad an idea is, will say that "you're really sick" if you don't support something that is SUPPOSED to help people get health insurance who didn't have it, cheaper insurance, etc. They stick their heads deep into the sand and ignore problem after problem, how it's screwing Peter to pay Paul, etc. Basically, with liberals, it's all about intentions. If intentions are good, all is well in candyland. Well, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
It all goes back to the liberal mantra, "Something must be done about health care, this something, so it must be done." There are other ways to reform health care than this expensive clusterfucck that screws 1000 times more people than it helps. I thought liberals were all "for the little guy." What about the little guy whose rates went from 300 a month to 1300 a month overnight? Guess you don't give a shit about them, huh?
Just because health care needs reform doesn't mean any idea to reform it is the best idea in the world and should be defended until its dying breath.
"Police protection" is an oxymoron. Gun laws are like masturbation, they both feel really good, but after you're done you realize you haven't accomplished anything."