by Indy » Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:29 pm
I think the overall tactic here is that the GOP believes if it floods the media with scandal after scandal, new or old (yes, Benghazi was floated AGAIN today), or things like Hillary's alleged brain damage, people won't ever even get to the candidate's stances on substantive issues. That serves the GOP because they don't have any, it hurts Hillary because hers will never be heard, it hurts Obama because people will, as they are now, ignore the fact that not only has Obamacare not been the end of the world, it's actually having some substantial positive results to the point where GOP congressmen now are in a bind if they really do try to repeal it because they'll be throwing their own constituents into the uninsured pool. Ask Rand Paul.
So in other words, they've gone "full Rove."
Apparently they think this will be a path to victory.
Who else thinks that?