by The Dharma Bum » Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:49 pm
Not all burglars are young screw ups out for harmless hijinks. Basically if someone breaks into your home you have to go with the theory that they are unhinged. No professional burglar would enter the premises while someone was there.
If that kid wouldn't have had access to that weapon and known what to do the story may have ended entirely different. A young killer kills you just as dead as any other. And in fact they are probably more likely to be inexperienced, impaired, and/or violent. Prisons are full of young screw ups for a reason. They are the most likely group to hurt someone.
This young man successfully defended his sister and his parents property and I salute him him for it. It'as too bad that a person had to die but he was engaged in some very questionable high risk behavior. It's his own fault, really.