[quote="exploited"]I've thought so for quite some time, but her latest accusation towards Bernie Sanders is really just proof positive of the concept. This woman is dirty, corrupt and seeks power above all else. She does not have the best interests of her country in mind, and she has no problem smearing her allies if it means securing the vote. She has no core values whatsoever, but instead seeks to further herself and her party cronies at all costs - witness her transformation into a "progressive," complete with all the narrow-minded identity politics bullshit that seems to bring.
[BBvideo 425,350]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRhz45B5omk[/BBvideo]
Let's be absolutely clear here: what Bernie did was ask for people to moderate their hysteria, and work together in order to find middle ground that the average American can agree on. I have no idea how any intelligent person could ever support Hillary's bid for the White House after throwing a man who has [i]consistently supported her[/i] under the bus. She is a terrible human being who will sink to any low in order to win.
https://votesmart.org/candidate/key-vot ... i1DKPmrSUk
Take a look at that voting record and tell me that it reflects the sensibilities of a sexist curmudgeon that hates women.
http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/09/politics/ ... criticism/
[quote]Washington (CNN)Bernie Sanders is battling Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination -- but he's defending her trustworthiness, saying the former secretary of state is facing "sexist" criticism.
"I think for a variety of reasons, Hillary Clinton has been under all kinds of attack for many, many years. In fact, I can't think of many personalities who have been attacked for more reasons than Hillary Clinton. And by the way, let me be frank and I'm running against her: Some of it is sexist," Sanders, the Vermont senator, said Sunday in an interview on CBS's "Face the Nation."
And this is after the debate in which Bernie respectfully disagreed with her on many issues, but still stuck up for her with the bullshit e-mail scandal. F*** Hillary.[/quote]
Hillary Clinton is a worthless, corrupt and double-tongued candidate. Hillary Clinton is addicted to public lying and window dressing of the past. As the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton used a private email box instead of a state one. In other words, all the Clinton’s correspondence appeared to be concealed from the public. By the way, everybody remembers her treachery in Benghazi.