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Inequality Highest Since Great Depression • Page 28 • General Discussion • Political Crossfire Forums

Inequality Highest Since Great Depression

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Re: Inequality Highest Since Great Depression

Postby lnrw » Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:02 pm


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Re: Inequality Highest Since Great Depression

Postby lnrw » Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:06 pm


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Re: Inequality Highest Since Great Depression

Postby Philly » Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:08 pm

go ahead. keep screaming "Shut The f**k Up " at me. it only makes my opinions Worse
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Re: Inequality Highest Since Great Depression

Postby Homer » Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:34 am

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Re: Inequality Highest Since Great Depression

Postby lnrw » Sun Nov 02, 2014 5:28 am


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Re: Inequality Highest Since Great Depression

Postby nordictruce » Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:12 pm

i would like to add another point to this topic

Americans, are pretty f**k stupid and lazy.

There, I said it. As some of you may or may not know I run a pretty decent side website development company. I have 8 programmers and 1 graphic designer, plus an assistant. Not including myself.

The assistant and the graphic designer are the only Americans on my staff. It's not becuase I am cheap. I've tried to hire Americans. Lord knows I've tried. Do you have any ida how much easier my social life would be if I could get all my correspondence with everyone done by 3-4pm everyday? It would make things a lot easier on me. Every american that I've hired over the last 6 years, probably 15-20 in all, has been an utter f**k disaster. They don't now how to program. If it's not some plug and play module that you can find on wordpress.org they don't' know how to do it. Not only do they not know how to do it, they dont' want to know how to do it. Not only do they not want to know how to do it, they still think you should pay them 40 an hour for not doing it.

I can't tell you how many times I've had to go back and rewrite / /rebuild a shoddy website some 25 year old computer science major charged me 2k for that I could have done in HS.

I have an Indian programmer, Anil is his name, I told him earlier this year that the client did not like the direction of a website we were building and he started the entire thing from scratch and told me that it's his job to make the client happy. If I tell him something has to be done, he'll roll up his sleeves and get it done, I don't have to worry about it anymore.

Clients swear by me and they wonder "man how do you offer such aswesome customer service". Simple I don't use americans lol My graphic guy is the only guy worth a shit that will roll up his sleeves and work and is talented.

I mean, I'm paying real money. Anil will make about 3500 this month, in american money. I'm not cheap. I would happily pay this to an american if they would work for it but they won't.

WE'RE STUPID AND LAZY. That's the 800 pound gorilla in the room. You have a small group of people that can build stuff and then you have a large group of people who can't and spend their entire lives trying to get over and get ahead. You have people coming out of college with 50k in student debt and still can't build a website or anything else for that matter.

If you really really want to fix income equality you have to fix education, and it's not gonna be a quick fix. It's not something you fix with taxes, or with a bandage. You have to teach kids real tangible skillsets and make them valuable, attractive candidates for jobs. One of th reasons I have such a strong work ethic is that I went to a school that made me WORK. 2 hours of homework was a light day for me in HS. These people don't want to work anymore.

I have had just about every disadvantage a person can have and I pulled myself up and I clear well over 100k a year, and I'm 31 and I have no debt whatsoever.

Every once in a while some kid (20's) will come to me and ask me man how do you do what you do and I try to mentor them and maybe 2-3 weeks late ryou can't find them. I put in the work.

This is one issue I really side with the republicans on, but think that the democrats are the ones that have to fix it. The dems are the only ones that are going to sink the money in the schools

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Re: Inequality Highest Since Great Depression

Postby nordictruce » Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:20 pm

Another thing, stop having kids until you can afford them. That's half the battle right there.. Yeah of course you live in poverty you have 3 kids and you make 25k a year.

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Re: Inequality Highest Since Great Depression

Postby eric » Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:26 pm

Well, I don't think its necessarily a fair comparison RE: skills.

For one, yeah you're going to think that non-Americans are great programmers because the people you're hiring aren't your run of the mill Indian. Those people can't really make it to the U.S. you have to have been a hard worker, or had talent.

You'll find plenty of shitty, lazy, subpar people anywhere. The best American programmers are taken up by large companies, or they are starting their own businesses.
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Re: Inequality Highest Since Great Depression

Postby nordictruce » Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:04 pm

There's some truth to that, but I only give my real big projects to people I trust. The stuff i try to hire these people foor are basic 101 wordpress type websites or things that anyone who is a programmer should be able to do, and the stuff can't get done.
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Re: Inequality Highest Since Great Depression

Postby spacemonkey » Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:46 pm

Poverty is the fastest growing profession these days.
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