Where do you get this stuff? Coercion is quite obviously an inherent aspect of human society, as literally every documented civilization, whether agrarian, hunter-gatherer, industrialized, etc. has and does practice it. This has been proven again and again and again - no matter how egalitarian and consensual a society, there are always going to be circumstances in which blatant coercive violence is not only the best course of action, but absolutely necessary for the survival of that society.
Comrade, broken robot, myself, even Hurf recognize that coercion will ultimately be required at some point in time. We also more or less agree that the less coercion, the better. But to argue that the class system, and the total nutjobs who have propagated it for nearly a thousand years, are just going to agree to have all their power stripped from them for the betterment of society is total, absolute delusion. They will need to be forced to give up every small gain we make. Period. Hippy nonsense about non-violence and consensus-building will be the first thing to go when people adopt a war footing, and rightfully so.