All appointees for regulatory agencies must be accepted or denied within the first month of the beginning of POTUS' first or second term. POTUS must provide the first candidate within the first month. If the candidate is denied by Congress, the legislative bodies have five days to submit a list of candidates they find acceptable to POTUS. POTUS may consider any of these candidates and may also put forth other candidates. POTUS is responsible for appointing these people and initiating the approval process. If this responsibility is abdicated within the allotted timeframe Congress may provide candidates and appoint them to these positions with 2/3 votes. After the first denial by the legislative branch, the timeframe allotted for consideration will look like this:
- 2nd candidate is submitted by POTUS
- Is on the list submitted by Congress: Passes (In Theory)
- 2nd candidate is submitted by POTUS
- Isn't on the list submitted by Congress
- Doesn't pass congressional approval: Congress then has two days to consider each additional candidate provided by POTUS in a consecutive fashion. That is two days per candidate.
If, by the end of the POTUS' second month of the new term nobody has been allowed to fill the position in question, Congress shall have to select one of the candidates it denied before. The only way this can be overturned would be with a 3/4 vote. If overturned, the entire process begins anew.