by Indy » Mon May 20, 2013 11:20 am
Is anybody else here baffled by the idea that--just step back with me here--Obama would instruct the IRS to go after tea party groups?
That seems to be where the narrative is heading.
Which is head-scratching, in that the TPM only helped Obama get re-elected last year. To recap, Mitt Romney, a lifelong moderate, tried to re-invent himself as "severely" conservative to appeal to "the base" like... the TPM. Only to miraculously shift gears way too late--in particular, the second debate--where he suddenly was running as Obama, based on his new policy stances.
If I were the DNC I would fund the TPM, as it drives moderates and indies away from the party in droves.
So why the Obama White House would engage in some sort of Nixonian plot to target the movement makes literally no sense.