I mean, understand most of the problems teachers have with students is DISCIPLINE. If the kid cant sit at a desk without causing a fight, i wouldn't put them in an autoshop or anything and hope that turns around either. At the end of the day these kids just arnt afraid. Schools can't discipline them. Parent's cant or wont discipline them.
I honestly think you need to attach welfare benefits to a child's attendance and discipline in class. Tons of kids would get their shit turned around real quickly when mom realize her welfare check depends on little jonny not f**k up. Besides, its only fair. Society invests in you via welfare to get on your feet, you invest in society by making sure you kids will be productive citizens.
I agree though they need more vocational training. I'm not disputing that at all, we should have european style vocational program because not everyone is cut out for college etc. But i dont think it will do a damn thing to address shitty scores in 3rd grade and 8th grade because the problems these kids have are largely due to discipline. They go to school to shoot the shit and fight instead of leaning, and none of the teachers ever bother to do their job because it isnt like they lose anything by taking the easy way out and ignoring these kids. Improve the teachers so when kids come someone is taking an interest and making an effort, and make parents acocuntable via the tax code or welfare system. It's a radical solution, but this is a pretty serious problem. If we can blow up 2 countries for 9/11, we sure as shit can take away a moms welfare payments if her kid never shows up to school and on the rare occasion he does, f**k with other students and teachers.