by Hyperion » Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:55 pm
The debate is not about banning or censoring creationism in school. Certainly such perspectives are inescapable when a majority of the population adheres to one monolithic, Abrahamic faith or another, especially in the social sciences, but the debate surrounds whether or not 1.) creationism should be included in a science curriculum (it shouldn't; no empirical or mathematical evidence) and 2.) whether the theory of evolution (not necessarily Darwin's precise theory) is currently the standard-model of biology (it is).
Creationism, spirits, ghosts, magic, dragons - if you can't debate their virtue on experimentation, it's not science. I'm a science teacher, and although my main discipline is physics, when I'm called on to teach biology I refer to evolution as casually as I would quantum mechanics or statistical thermodynamics.