by Nolidor » Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:37 pm
You know...
...the real problem is the Republican coalition of "rugged individualism" with "social values".
In essence, two groups of white men who have nothing in common have been voting for the same party. Both the bullies and the nerds have been voting Republican...
...but something weird has been happening. More and more bullies have been voting Democrat since they don't want to be held responsible for their actions and the Republican party believes in individual responsibility. This really concerns me because as an intellectual liberal, I'm increasingly alienated by left-wing politics. The dedication to the working class and denial of objective morality is transforming the Democratic party into an anti-intellectual party.
I don't know. It's becoming weird. For example, government interference in the economy is supposed to correct out of control business...
...but it's getting to the point where intellectuals are becoming the nerds who are expected to do everyone else's homework or get their lunch money taken away. That is you either figure out how to plan the economy, or else.
The long term implications of this are weird. I really hope conservatives learn to have a change of attitude and understand you need to spread your ideology across parties unless you want to create trouble.